Monday, October 27, 2008

Spending time with my Papa!


Jaxxon loves his granpda! Grandpa is the one that takes him and shows him everything, all the different lights or colors of thing or just things that you see outside or not all the time. These pictures are in Pine Valley we went and stayed up there for a few days to get away with the family it was alot of fun. Jaxx and Grandpa were outside exploring and were picking apples off the tree, and of course like any baby things go right in the mouth.. They had so much fun together and always.. We love you grandpa you are the BEST!!
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Into everything!!

So Jaxxon decided to start crawling. For the last couple weeks he has started to crawl every where and is LOVING it, he loves the fact that he can go where ever he wants to when he wants to. But it isn't so good for me because I am use to putting him down with toys leaving the room for a minute and he will still be there, nope NOT anymore he is either right behind me or off somewhere else.. I do have to say though it is really fun I love it that he is growing up, this stage is so fun I can't wait for what is to come....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Walk to School

So the girls came home from school with a note "Walk to School Day." I thought no just like i had last year when they came home with it. But then I thought no it would be fun to walk to school so I asked them if they wanted to do it and of course they did, so I called my sister inlaw to see if she wanted to go with us and she said sure, mind you she is 6 months pregnant.. Yes we did it and we made it, it turned out to be fun and an adventure!!!