Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year for Halloween was alittle different we kinda did a theme. It all started with Treysons costume we got his on sale at the Halloween store it was the Fireman outfit, we got it home tried it on and Jaxx was so excited about it he wanted to put his Dog outfit on the he wore last year and said this is what I am going to be and he would NOT change his mind for anything.. So my mom caught on to this and said he you have the fireman and his dog now you need the Fire Hydrant so we went online to see how we could dress Preston up and we came out with making the Fire Truck to go around the stroller, so OF COURSE Scott and I had to follow and be Fireman! The girls had already had there costumes and didn't want to change.. But next year they have planned that we are all going to be something togher we are already thinking of it! I CAN'T WAIT!!
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A day at the Park

The kids and I had been home for a couple days and we just NEEDED to get out of the house.. So we picked Ash up from the bus stop and headed to the Park, thats why Trista is not there she was still at school. We sure did miss her and DON'T like it that she gets out of school so LATE!!
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3 Months

Where does the time GO!! Like I always say I CAN"T believe my kids are getting so BIG so fast.. This little guys is growin up and he is such a HAPPY kid! The smile on his face NEVER goes away! Love you Treyson!!!
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